Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Let it go..

I am a stick in the mud sometimes. 

I think everyone needs to take a step back and realize that they might be too. 
Sometimes in our lives and when we form relationships with people, we tend to stop ourselves, to suspend the happenings of life in perpetual motion because we can't let go. The problem is that most of these hang ups don't matter, but yet they are so hard to let go of. 
I guess we just like to argue with ourselves. To always be known and to never give in to the inevitable or to things that just shouldn't be fought. Life and people are the way it and they will be. Trust me, you will be much happier if you can just let it go.

We all live a life that runs on it's own track but continues to infinitely bounce, affecting and being affected, off everyone and everything we come into contact with. Your ability to bounce is affected by your ability to let go.

"Hey, I'll move out of the way for you
Hey, I'll move out of the way for her too
I never know what to do with my love
I never know what to do with my hands
So I put them behind my back
I put them behind my back
Behind my back
Can I move out of the way tomorrow?
Can I move into the way tonight? 
Hey, don't you know what it means when I say "hey"?
Hey see it in my face, I'm breaking
I've waited for so long
Just to know
That you'd wrap yourself around me if you couldn't let go"

-Let Go by Ingrid Michaelson

You have choices. It's weird to think that any interaction you have with someone can be looked as you getting in to the way of them living their lives. To get in the way, or not get in the way. Holding on and letting go. Asking someone out to go see a movie is just like the lyric "Can I move into the way tonight?" This is not to say that you must sit forever wanting to not get in the way. The person portrayed in the song falls in love, but yet she feels that every second she has no idea if the man she is in love with wants to be with her so she doesn't get in the way, yet inside she falls apart hoping that since he isn't leaving, that he will one day wrap his arms around her and love her - all because she couldn't let go. All of us are in our own situation like this in one way or another, finding ourselves unable to let go of something, always hoping that what we are holding on to hasn't let go of us either.

There are no answers to insolvable questions, the reasons to life are not always explained, and living and love and happiness is more important than answers. In the end we are faced with the aspect of being asked to let go of something that affected our lives for x amount years. But when the end came... could you?  Just in life, with break ups, memories, problems, questions that can't be answered, religion, politics - we argue, we fight, we question, and we forget that what's most important is being happy and the people around us. I accept that. I have let go.

The point is... just let go. Say you love someone. Forgive and forget. Don't grudge. Accept what you thought you couldn't before. Take a bad situation and stop taking it badly. Just let go.

Going into 2013, I am learning to let go more often. I was being a stick in the mud, and it is time for me to pull myself out of it.

I'm Sorry.

-Somebody I used to know..

Saturday, January 15, 2011

This is only the beginning...

 Seeing as how everything has gone electronic now a day, I thought to myself: Why not?
Thus, I begin...

Growing up in a world where daily conveniences are rapidly changing, its hard to stay fully involved and up to date.

From the beginning of Internet for means of simply performing the most minor task, to the now more advanced uses of hacking, we have been spoiled in the new technology in ways we never thought possible. With the social realm, beginning from my knowledge of Myspace and advancing to an even more popular Facebook, It’s easy to stay in touch with people and keep up to date with their every move. Blogging, though not a new commodity to the internet realm, has been picked up very prominently in the past couple of years and although at first I found it ridiculous, I see now that it's worth a try. Most people group blogging as a place for "emo" kids to come and talk about all their up's and downs and be depressed. Although I can't promise that all of my post will be Outrageously Humorous, I can promise that I will be real.

I'm Human, I make mistakes and I'm no different than most of you. I have my good days and I have my not so good days. I laugh, I cry, I smile and I simply live. I have loved and I have been loved. I have seen pain and I have caused pain. Some of your darkest secrets are some of mine and with each new mistake I make, I become even more Beautifully Broken.

I have learned not to expect much from this world, for you have to make it your own. In this life, there are things that will get in your way and all you can do is figure out how to over come them. One thing I have learned to live by is "Breathe Deeply. Love Madly. Live Fully." Thats about all you can do. Death is inevitable and you have no expiration date to help you plan out life. You must wake up and put yourself out there. By doing so you will be hurt along the way, no doubt, but those account for the lessons learned.

The flaws I have, I hold dear. For they define the very essence of me.