Saturday, January 15, 2011

This is only the beginning...

 Seeing as how everything has gone electronic now a day, I thought to myself: Why not?
Thus, I begin...

Growing up in a world where daily conveniences are rapidly changing, its hard to stay fully involved and up to date.

From the beginning of Internet for means of simply performing the most minor task, to the now more advanced uses of hacking, we have been spoiled in the new technology in ways we never thought possible. With the social realm, beginning from my knowledge of Myspace and advancing to an even more popular Facebook, It’s easy to stay in touch with people and keep up to date with their every move. Blogging, though not a new commodity to the internet realm, has been picked up very prominently in the past couple of years and although at first I found it ridiculous, I see now that it's worth a try. Most people group blogging as a place for "emo" kids to come and talk about all their up's and downs and be depressed. Although I can't promise that all of my post will be Outrageously Humorous, I can promise that I will be real.

I'm Human, I make mistakes and I'm no different than most of you. I have my good days and I have my not so good days. I laugh, I cry, I smile and I simply live. I have loved and I have been loved. I have seen pain and I have caused pain. Some of your darkest secrets are some of mine and with each new mistake I make, I become even more Beautifully Broken.

I have learned not to expect much from this world, for you have to make it your own. In this life, there are things that will get in your way and all you can do is figure out how to over come them. One thing I have learned to live by is "Breathe Deeply. Love Madly. Live Fully." Thats about all you can do. Death is inevitable and you have no expiration date to help you plan out life. You must wake up and put yourself out there. By doing so you will be hurt along the way, no doubt, but those account for the lessons learned.

The flaws I have, I hold dear. For they define the very essence of me.

1 comment:

  1. Emilee Elaine! Welcome to the world of blogging! I'm so excited to read your posts and get a window to what's going on inside ;) I am posting a link to you on my blog so I always know when you post. I love your style and title, great post. Love you!
